12 inch motion

Animierte Album Cover | Kooperationsprojekt mit Felix Neumann

12 INCH MOTION is an homage to the art of the album cover. In short and subtle animated loops the project brings the original cover art to life. After a little more than one year, these are the first 100 animations. A big shoutout and thank you to all artists, musicians, labels and animators involved. On to another 100 loops!

For more info and further credits go to 12inchmotion.tumblr.com or follow @12inchmotion on Instagram.

/// Guest submissions (in order of appearance) :

Mariella | vimeo.com/mariellaolgadie
Hugo | hugodallmann.de
Julian Dannenbaum | vimeo.com/user40577239
Asja | prisneyorsomething.tumblr.com
Jo Jojita | vimeo.com/jojojita
Bernd Marbach | marbach.tumblr.com
Lenia Friedrich | leniafriedrich.de
Liza Arbeiter | lizaarbeiter.de
Steffs Stuff | steffs-stuff.de
Kae | behance.net/hellothisiskae